速報APP / 教育 / Child Behavior Toolbox

Child Behavior Toolbox


檔案大小:23.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Child Behavior Toolbox(圖1)-速報App

The CBT App for Home and School is an invaluable resource for both parents, teachers, and mental health workers. Covering children from ages 3 to 12, it provides strategies which address over 40 common behavioral and emotional concerns including aggression, bad language, lying, stealing, sharing, sleeping, sibling rivalry, hyperactivity, dealing with death and grieving, managing stress, depression, shyness, self-esteem, cooperation and following directions, cyber-bullying, managing screen time, impulsivity, distractibility, making friends, nail biting, tantrums, dealing with fears and phobias, eating too little and/or too much, compulsions, obsessions, and oppositional defiance. Along with strategies are resources for further reading including lists of books, magazine and journal articles, and websites.

Parents can attach a note along with their selected strategies with personalized instructions if someone else is going to be looking after their child. The report can be viewed on screen, saved to a pdf file for future reference, printed out in a book format and sent as an attachment to a text message, emailed, saved to iCloud, or exported to Apple Books©. Teachers can select strategies to provide parents with ideas for managing behavior at home.

Child Behavior Toolbox(圖2)-速報App

Child Behavior Toolbox(圖3)-速報App

Child Behavior Toolbox(圖4)-速報App

Child Behavior Toolbox(圖5)-速報App

Child Behavior Toolbox(圖6)-速報App

Child Behavior Toolbox(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad